Joey — I love you as my pastor.

I appreciate your courage in the Lord to speak scripture to social issues. You specifically addressed the intersection of politics and sexual sin. But I'm a bit surprised you didn't raise other particular sins, especially in your assessment of Republican politicians.

Republican politicians have become so jaded to lying, and so scared of the liars, they can't admit their party's election losses are legitimate. These politicians (including our own governor) prove they know the truth about the Big Lie, and their complicity in its perpetuation, when they hem and haw about "irregularities" without letting their yes be yes and their no be no. If a politician will lie about something as simple (not to mention essential to democracy) as election results, I can't trust him, and cannot vote for him, regardless how fervently he claims to share my (other) values.

Likewise, with regard to racial and political violence toward fellow image-bearers, Republicans are loathe to comment. I'd like to think most of them abhor such things. But they fear those within their party who worship violence — afraid they'd lose power and authority if they speak out. And so, they pull their punches when it comes to violent threats — from death threats recorded on voicemail and posted to social media, to the physical threat of envelopes containing fentanyl powder sent to poll workers earlier this week.

I'm not accusing Republican politicians of committing these crimes themselves. But they know full-well that the miscreants interpret their silence as approval. Worse, the ne'er-do-wells themselves fly "Christian" banners, call themselves "Christian" Nationalist, and pretend to be Bible-believing God-fearing patriots. As a Christian and a conservative, I'm discouraged how few Christians who actually believe the Bible and fear God are willing to call out the hate, fraud, violence and lies.

As you said: "[W]hen we vote for people who propagate these things, we are complicit."

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Hey my brother, thank you so much for reading and engaging. When I wrote the article I had in mind topics (mainly abortion) that surrounded this past week's elections. However, I tried to make it clear (at least I thought I did) that many Republicans have lied—and and are presently lying—but I was trying to use abortion as an example of their lying and of how they use the vulnerable to garner votes/protect their base. I could have also used the LGBTQ+ movement as another example—so called "conservatives" are compromised here too. I could have used election fraud as another example—but that wasn't within the scope of topics. Perhaps another article is needed at some point. However, Ryan and I plan to record a podcast on the topic as a follow-up. So much can be said.

Also, like you, I loathe the way Christianity is used to score political points. And when we have so-called Republicans that claim to be Christians that aren't willing to call out their party, there is a tremendous problem.

A large difference between the two parties is demonstrated in how polarized things are. Democrats are in large—a united party around the things I mentioned in the article. Republicans are not a united party. There are some there, I genuinely believe who serve our country well, but many look out for their own interest. This is why I mentioned the need for a disruption in the two-party system.

Love you my brother. See you tomorrow, Lord willing.

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Nov 10, 2023
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Thank you for reading, Megan

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